Once installed, Fluidity's configuration is entirely managed in a PHP array.
Create a file called config.fluidity.php in your system/user/config folder. It will need to adhere to the following format:
return [
// Would you like Fluidity to check to see if there are updates?
'checkForUpdates' => true,
// By default it will show the field's icon.
// This is a global setting which can be disabled on a
// per-field basis in the advanced config.
'showIcons' => true,
// This is where you organize your fields into groups.
'fields' => [
// You will need the field ID, which you can find when
// viewing the admin.php?/cp/fields page.
1 => [
// Give the group a friendly label
'Group Label' => [
// and finally all the fields you want to display in this group.
The following is an example of the advanced configuration. You can override the field's label, add a description, override it's default icon, or even choose which image to display in the preview pop-up.
return [
'licenseKey' => '',
'checkForUpdates' => true,
'showIcons' => true,
'fields' => [
27 => [ // Fluid field ID
'Add Content' => [
'basic_text_field' => [
'label' => 'Basic Text Field',
'desc' => 'This is an optional extended description of the field. With even more text that wraps to another line.',
'icon' => 'https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/pictures/370000/velka/smiley-emoji.png',
'preview' => 'https://mysite.com/uploads/fluidity-demo-1.png',
'text_field_group' => [
'label' => 'Special',
'desc' => 'Something Special',
'icon' => '', // to optionally disable a single icon, set the value to a blank string.
'preview' => 'https://mysite.com/uploads/fluidity-demo-2.png',
'Add Misc' => [
'template_or_snippet' => [
'label' => 'Embed Template or Snippet',
'buttons' => [
'label' => 'Buttons',
'color_picker' => [
'label' => 'Color Picker',
'file' => [
'label' => 'File',
'feature_flag' => [
'label' => 'Feature Flag',
You can optionally go with a basic config if you simply want to group fields and not override the field name, add a description, icon, or preview image.